Dobril Yankov
Born in Targoviste, Bulgaria
Lives & works in Plovdiv, BG
D. Yankov is dedicated to research and portrayal of the "mental alterity". The signs of madness in normal people are imprinted on his canavases. The artist takes the risk to live this madness through his work with the clear conscious that he might not be understood by many people. The "mental alterity" concept is not typical for the home art scene which makes it important for the enrichment of the aestheyic and visual culture of Bulgarians. Dobril Yankov is born in 1986. He studied paintings at the University of Veliko Tyrnovo, had solo exibitions in Bulgaia and has won awards for his work.
2004 - 2010 Faculty of Fine Arts within St. Cyril and St. Methodius University, VelikoTurnovo
Grants & Awards
2009 Award for Excellence in Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts within St. Cyril and St. Methodius University, VelikoTurnovo, BG
2008 Special Plain Air – Award, Folk Festival, Veliko Turnovo, BG.
2007 Special Plain Air – Award, Tutrakan, BG.
Exhibitions & Festivals
2009 First solo exhibition, Petar Stapov Gallery, Targovishte, BG.
2012 “Project mental otherness”-The eight edition of the Night of museums and galleries-Plovdiv
2012 “Project Irina”- Pironessa Gallery, Plovdiv, BG
2014 "This is love=This is porn" -The ten edition of the Night of museums and galleries-Plovdiv
Group Exhibitions
2010-2012 Holiday Art Show, Nikola Marinov Gallery, Targovishte, BG
2010 Completed EU project under the “national symbols” programjoint venturewith High School „Tzar Simeon the Great”, Targovishte, BG
2011 A Walk down the Largo, Gallery Largo, Varna, BG
2010 The Magic of Rila Mountain - Photo Exhibition, National Palace of Culture, Sofia,BG
2010 Festive Exhibition,Petar Stapov Gallery, Targovishte, BG
2010 Representative Exhibition of the Faculty of Fine Arts withinSt. Cyril and St. Methodius University of VelikoTurnovo, Sirak Skitnik Gallery, Sliven, BG
2010 Representative Exhibition of the Faculty of Fine Arts withinSt. Cyril and St. Methodius University of VelikoTurnovo, museum – gallery GeorgeVelchev, Varna, BG
2013 “KOSHM-ART” GRAFIT Gallery, Varna, BG.
2014 "landscapes" Rimini Gallery, Sofia, BG
2014 "Bird Series" Art House Boutique Gallery, London, UK